The following documentation relates to the plug-in modules available for ExB.
All of these modules come with ExB and are enabled by default unless specifed otherwise.
All documentation is correct for the current release version. The development version may expand these modules in further ways.
- Leet
This module was written for sheeps and giggles, really. It will convert any string you give it into "l33t-sp34k".
- Welcome
This module will auto-op, auto-halfop, or auto-voice authenticated users on channel join, depending on user level. It will also print out a welcome message, which is set in the auths file.
- Message
MesssageMod provides most of the normal IRC commands that you'll need in your travels, such as OP and MSG.
- Lucky Google
This fun little module provides a quick way to get search results to the google "I'm feeling lucky" and picture search facilities.
- Kernel
Polls the server for information about the GNU/Linux version, it will then announce updates to the kernel in the channel.
Provides a definition database, ask the bot WTF something is, and it will tell you (if it knows).
- Modes
This modules purpose is to enforce channel modes (such as Topic Protection, Moderated Channel, User Limit).When enabled, the bot will enforce channel modes when it joins a channel and when a user attempts to channel modes change.
- Topic
The module will check the channel always has a topic, if it ever notices the channel is without a topic, then it will set it with a pre-set one. It also has a second mode where it will enforce a specific topic and not allow it to be changed.
List of RSS sources for RSSMod (introduced into version 0.2).